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What is The AYPA?

The AYPA is an association committed to promoting and encouraging support, communication and networking amongst agents of children and young performers. It is the only association in the UK dedicated to individuals who represent this age group. The board of The AYPA have years of experience in this area of the industry. Collectively AYPA Agents have a wealth of knowledge with regards to best practice, child performance licensing and relevant legislation both here in the UK and Internationally.


Why is it needed?

There are hundreds of agencies representing children in the UK. Being part of the AYPA gives parents an assurance that the agency they are considering for their child is operating professionally and legally. All agents who are members of the AYPA operate within our code of conduct. Members will be kept up to date with licence policies and legislation and collectively bring change where it is greatly needed.


Being part of the AYPA gives agents an invaluable support network.

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